Flowing through the density

Let’s be real, every day isn’t the best day ever. A couple days ago I woke up feeling a sense of lack and fear. I think there is a fine line to walk between stating your deeper beliefs that transcend the present moment and spiritual bypassing. I think the difference lies in allowing myself to really experience what I am feeling without needing to immediately bring up my spiritual ideals. Yes, I do believe that my higher self is guided me every step of the way and everything will be ok AND what I am feeling right now in this moment is challenging. I honor these feelings by allowing them to be without the need to try and fix them, as uncomfortable as it may be.

I took these feeling to my yoga mat for my morning sadhana (devotional) practice. Then something subtle but powerful happened. The energy started to shift all on its own and brought with it an easing of the discomfort. It felt as if, even for a moment, my small-self quit throwing a temper tantrum about no longer being in the driver’s seat of my life. I told her, “I don’t have to have all the answers. I don’t have to know how things will work out. It is safe to rest in the present moment and trust that I will be led to the next right step.

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